Saturday, May 14, 2016

Hello, in this section we are going to talk about one of our techers, in order to celebrate the Teacher´s Day and know more about her.


- Priscila Velazquez Contreras.

- It´s our computer teacher.

- Her birthday is in December 7.

- Her favorite food are enchiladas suizas.

- She has no specific type of musi but the only that she doesn´t like is country music.

- She has 4 fish and 2 French Puddles called Miguel and Chicharito.

- She loves the beach, watch movies and being with her family.

-The things that she dislikes are the people that are always mad, and the traffic. 

- She sutdied in the school UNID and studied Network Engineering but she drop it, then she studied Graphic Desing and she also drop it, and then she studied Educational Technology and it was the one she most like.

- She has a page called "Miss Papelitos" it is a personal job but it is also her hobby, where she make Graphic Design.

- She broke up with her boyfriend. She is now single.

- She has 2 sisters called Perla and Paty, her sister Paty has a son called Rodrigo.

- Her parents are Chuy and Paty. They work in the cafeteria of our school, but right know her mom is at home taking care of her nephew.

 We think she has Self-Control with her students because she´s a very patient teacher. And we agree she is very curious. 

 She said she is Curious because she enjoy learning new things; and Grit beacuse she likes to finish what she started; Gratitude because all the good and bad things that happens in her life make her be a better person. 

        HAPPY TEACHER´S DAY!         

With love: Aura & Amanda


  1. i like your post, it's very complete :)

  2. This is great! I didn't knew she doesn't like country music...

  3. is an exellent blog. i lioke it it is very complete and iteresting
