Saturday, May 21, 2016


Amanda Soto Martínez

Because I´m a student I have Self-Control for doing class work, for example being patient, think twice before speaking and don´t get desesperate. I´m Optimist because when me and my friends are in a bad situation I always look the good side of the situation. 

Also I think I´m a person that practice Curiosity, because I always want to learn more about a topic of a History class, for example when the teacher was explaining the Vietnam War I wanted to know more about how the soldiers spent their time when they were not figthing so by myself I search about it.

Aura Sofia Guevara Carrillo

I´m Sofia and the character strengths I think I  have are Self-Control and Grit, because I get easily angry but I try to stay calm and analyze what can I do to solve it. And I have a lot of Self-Control with my brother, if I didn´t practice it we will always be fighting because we both are very impacient.

A situation in school where I have to use Self-Control is when we have all the projects and I streesed, so using this Character Strength helps me to do everything better.

I think I have Grit because when I have many things to do I feel bad when I don´t do them, so I try to finish them all in time. A situation in school where I also use Grit is when I have a lot of projects and I hasn´t even satarted to make them, so I finish them all in time.