Saturday, May 28, 2016


In conclusion the Character Strengths are important in our daily life, because it help us to overcome situations. They make a difference because it helps you to be happy and a better person with yourself and others.

Friday, May 27, 2016


I´m Sofia and I´m going to share how I realize of the importance of the Character Strengths :

A problem that I had when I didn´t use Character Strengths was when I had to study, and I propose myself to study for getting a good grade, but when it was time time to do it I was feeling really lazy, so I didn´t study well. In a result I get a bad grade and that show me that I didnt use Grit and if I had use it I would not have got a bad grade.

Thursday, May 26, 2016


          I´m Amanda and I am going to share with you about me.          

This school year that I´m about to finish, was a very good year because it happened a lot of things. For example I improve my grades so I consider myself a person with Grit and Zest and I made new friends by using Social Intelligence and Gratitude

Saturday, May 21, 2016


Amanda Soto Martínez

Because I´m a student I have Self-Control for doing class work, for example being patient, think twice before speaking and don´t get desesperate. I´m Optimist because when me and my friends are in a bad situation I always look the good side of the situation. 

Also I think I´m a person that practice Curiosity, because I always want to learn more about a topic of a History class, for example when the teacher was explaining the Vietnam War I wanted to know more about how the soldiers spent their time when they were not figthing so by myself I search about it.

Aura Sofia Guevara Carrillo

I´m Sofia and the character strengths I think I  have are Self-Control and Grit, because I get easily angry but I try to stay calm and analyze what can I do to solve it. And I have a lot of Self-Control with my brother, if I didn´t practice it we will always be fighting because we both are very impacient.

A situation in school where I have to use Self-Control is when we have all the projects and I streesed, so using this Character Strength helps me to do everything better.

I think I have Grit because when I have many things to do I feel bad when I don´t do them, so I try to finish them all in time. A situation in school where I also use Grit is when I have a lot of projects and I hasn´t even satarted to make them, so I finish them all in time.

       HAPPY STUDENT´S DAY!       



With one of our good friends: Dany Murillo

We asked her and what she said is that she thinks she has Zest because she is always trying to be in a good mood, so the school can get easier. Also she said she has Grit because she needs to focus on school for getting good grades.

A situation where she had to use Character Strengths, is when she works in a group, she said that she applies Zest, because having a good attitude helps to make better the assignments; and as well she use Social Intelligence for all the group understand each other and accept each others opinions.

1. Never stop doing what you have to do to reach your small goals, because in the future they will become bigger.

2. One of the most important things you have to do for being a person with Social Intelligence are: listening with attention to others, and being empathetic.

3. Everyday think about all the good and bad things that happened in the day and say "thank you" to yourself and the people around you.

4. Be the one in the team who smiles and see a new alternative when everyone is angry and stressed.

5. Try to moderate your actions and emotions whenever something gets out of your hands.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Hello, in this section we are going to talk about one of our techers, in order to celebrate the Teacher´s Day and know more about her.


- Priscila Velazquez Contreras.

- It´s our computer teacher.

- Her birthday is in December 7.

- Her favorite food are enchiladas suizas.

- She has no specific type of musi but the only that she doesn´t like is country music.

- She has 4 fish and 2 French Puddles called Miguel and Chicharito.

- She loves the beach, watch movies and being with her family.

-The things that she dislikes are the people that are always mad, and the traffic. 

- She sutdied in the school UNID and studied Network Engineering but she drop it, then she studied Graphic Desing and she also drop it, and then she studied Educational Technology and it was the one she most like.

- She has a page called "Miss Papelitos" it is a personal job but it is also her hobby, where she make Graphic Design.

- She broke up with her boyfriend. She is now single.

- She has 2 sisters called Perla and Paty, her sister Paty has a son called Rodrigo.

- Her parents are Chuy and Paty. They work in the cafeteria of our school, but right know her mom is at home taking care of her nephew.

 We think she has Self-Control with her students because she´s a very patient teacher. And we agree she is very curious. 

 She said she is Curious because she enjoy learning new things; and Grit beacuse she likes to finish what she started; Gratitude because all the good and bad things that happens in her life make her be a better person. 

        HAPPY TEACHER´S DAY!         

With love: Aura & Amanda

Saturday, May 7, 2016


This book is about a boy called August "Auggie " he is 10 years old, and he has a rare medical facial deformity. Because of numerous surgeries, Auggie had been home-school by his mother, but his parents decide to enroll him in a private school for the start of middle school.

He start meeting friends but also people who bother him for the way he looks, after a while he heard his friend offend him, he felt devastated, he had problems in school because of all the looks people had on him, throughout the rest of the school he faces many obstacles. However things begin to change and other classmates started to defend him. This book teach you to have Social Intelligence and Optimism. 

Because you shouldn't judge the people by their look, and you should have always optimism and believe that things are going to get better.


This story is about Jaime Escalante who enter to teach in a high school calculus, he inspired his students to learn calculus and to never give up. He teach them that it doesn't matter if the people thinks you are not capable from doing great things you stand up and demonstrate them that they are wrong. 

The students Escalante worked with were below their grade level in terms of academic skills and have a lot of social problems. Escalante instructs his class under the philosophy of motivation.

The Educational Testing Service question the success of the student and suggests they cheated, Escalante defends his students and offers to retake the exam demonstrating that they are capable of success, using Optimism and Grit.


The song we choose that best describes a great Character Strength, which is Grit and Zest is the one of Demi Lovato, Skyscraper. The song lyrics talks about no matter who you are and what other people said about you, you got to be strong and big like a "skyscraper".

Thursday, April 28, 2016


In this blog we´re going to share with you what we have learned in school about the Character Strengths and how we practice them everyday in our lifes. The Character Strengths are values that are helpful for being an ethical person. We expect you to take this information and make it count by using it in your daily life.

Authors: Amanda and Aura.